Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mastering the relay of your message

        As I thought about what I might do for the upcoming Fourth of July Holiday, I was reminded of what I did this past Memorial Day.  My family did not have our traditional cook-out or fish fry.  (Note:  A fish fry is a fish themed meal- usually heavy on the fish, deep fried, often outside and in the case of my mother, in a wash pot.  Cole slaw, potato salad and hush puppies are popular sides.)
            It was a little different this year.  In fact, I had talked my dad into doing some father-daughter bonding.  The master relay on my car needed to be replaced.  I had already diagnosed it by checking the symptoms on the internet.  I even found a video detailing how to replace the part.  I figured my dad and I could do it together.
            So, on Memorial Day instead of devouring a burnt hot dog, a charcoaled tender steak or feasting on hot fried fish drenched in Texas Pete, my dad and I watched a couple of “how to videos” on replacing the master relay, then headed out to my car.
            My dad started by removed the cruise control panel to expose the master relay.  Then it was my turn to contribute.  We interrupt this blog for a special bulletin.  I am not and have never been mechanically inclined.  I know to keep my oil changed regularly and my tires rotated for longer wear.  That’s it.  I can change a tire if I got in a pinch, but by no stretch of the imagination and I the Danika Patrick of car repair. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog, already in progress. 
            I slid down under the steering panel.  With a flashlight in one hand and a screwdriver in another, I began removing the master relay.  It was pretty simple.  Once I got the part off, I handed it to my dad with the intention of getting him to install the part.  He had something else in mind.              
        “Since you are already down there, you can put it on,” he said.
            Me?  Install a part on a car that’s not a floor mat?  Me?  Oh, well, since I learned to obey my parents early, I did it.  But not without a challenge.
            Removing the old part was simple.  Getting that new master relay on though was tough. It’s a tight spot.  It’s very dark under the steering wheel panel.  My dad tried to hold the flash light for me at one point.  That did not work too well because the space was so tight, he was prohibited my movement.  I tried to prop the light up.  It fell on my face and busted my lip.  Ouch!
            I sat up for a while.  Then I slid back under the panel.  I sat up again. And then under the panel, I resumed my position.  This went on literally for at least 30 to 45 minutes.  
            The “how to video” said the entire process should take 30 minutes from start to finish.  I became frustrated.  I was sweating.  My clothes were sticking to me like barbecue sauce.  I took deep breaths.  I sat up…..AGAIN.
            And finally, I got the master relay in place.  VICTORY!  My dad replaced the cruise control panel, which took him a little while to do too and my car was all repaired.
            I decided to replace my master relay because “they” said it was simple and I even had help.  But, had I known my experience would be a much more difficult than what “they” said, would I have ventured into the land of car repairs?  NO DOUBT!
            Yes, it was harder than expected.  Yes, it took more time than I had planned. Yes, there were casualties- well maybe not casualties, but my lip hurt for quite some time after that flash light smashed into it.
            And yet, with all of that, aside from the victory of replacing the part, I realized something.  Winning is easier when you refuse to accept defeat.  Consistent winning is how you master a thing.
            So, have you mastered the relay of your message?  Yes, I am talking to you!  Everyone has a message.  And mastering how you relay that message is critical to success.
            Maybe you are the soon to be doctor who decided to go into medicine after losing a parent to a preventable disease.  Perhaps you are the student headed to law school who wants to help low income families in court because one of your childhood friends needed legal advice but could not afford it.  There are lots of possibilities.
            Identify your message.  Master the relay.


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